‘Listuary’ Part Two

List PROMPTS 10-17

10 & 11. Rooms past and present - or maybe just the items (or adventures) of one room. It’s up to you…

10 & 11. Rooms past and present - or maybe just the items (or adventures) of one room. It’s up to you…

- 10 to 12 -

10. Rooms. Rooms in your home, rooms from the past. Other people’s rooms. List them. What do they mean to you?

11. One room, past or present. Can you list what is/was in it, what you do/did there, what you see from there, what can be heard …


12. “Termes of a Kerver” is a 16th century list of terms in carvery. Here is part of its list of terms used when carving various cuts of meat:

sauce that capon sauce that capon

spoyle that henne spoil that hen

fruche that checkyn frust that chicken

unbrace that malarde unbrace that mallard

dysfygure that pecocke disfigure that peacock

border that pasty border that pasty

tyere that egge tear that egg

splatte that pyke splat that pike

tayme that crabbe tame that crab

from Shaun Usher (2014) Lists of Note London: Canongate & Unbound

Make your own list of verbs – for the take away order; the ways of your kitchen; house or garden work …. You decide.

- 13 to 16 -

13. The kind of places I like: seaside or forest, city or village, mountains or underground …. There may be a place where you go to again and again. There may be a place that you visited once and would love to return to. Write it down!

14. My life in ten objects: list them. Tell the stories.

15. My cultural heritage: where do you come from? what has made you? Places, stories, music, objects, traditions and rituals …

16. My closest friends: what is it that draws me to each of them?

14. My life in ten objects.

14. My life in ten objects.

17. Synonyms for emotions.

17. Synonyms for emotions.

- 17 -

17. In 1737, Benjamin Franklyn published in his newspaper, The Pennsylvania Gazette, a Drinker’s Dictionary. Essentially, 228 synonyms for drunkenness. Here’s a selection. Add to the list, if you will. Invent your own. Make a list for some other state: happy/ grumpy/ hungry… You may just like to use some of these words in some writing of your own.


He  is Addled

He’s Afflicted

He’s Bewitch’d

        Drunk as a Wheel-Barrow


His Head is full of Bees

He sees the Bears

He’s Cherry Merry

He’s been in the Cellar

Sir Richard has taken off his Considering Cap

It is a Dark Day with him.

He’s Eat a Toad and half for his Breakfast

He’s Fishey


        Been to France


He’s Glad



Got on his little Hat

Knows not the way Home

He’s Intoxicated




He’s a King

        Het his Kettle

He’s Light



He sees two Moons

He’s Nimpropsical

He’s Smelt of an Onion

He’s Pdgeon Ey’d

He’s Quarrelsome.

He’s Rocky


        Like a Rat in Trouble

He’s Stitched


        In the Sudds

Been too free with John Strawberry

He’s right before the Wind with all his Studding Sails out

He’s Top’d

        Double Tongu’d

Has swallow’d a Tavern Token

He’s Wise

He’s Wet

He’s Out of the Way

from Shaun Usher (2014) Lists of Note London: Canongate & Unbound

Links To More List PROMPTS

Part One: Lists 1-9


Part Three: Lists 18-21

Part Four: Lists 22-25

Part Five: Lists 26-31

Parts Six, Seven And Eight: Social Media Exclusives on our official Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts.

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