Writing Spaces

Writer's Desk.jpg

The Writer’s Desk by Jill Krementz is full of wonderful images of writers at work in their writing spaces. My favourite is Jean Piaget who claims a ‘living order’ to what looks to the outsider like utter chaos.


At the NWP we’d like to celebrate our sacred writing places, too. Do you have a dedicated place to write, or are you a writer on the move? The idea is to share the secrets of our writing spaces in all their chaotic, cluttered glory or meticulous organisation. You can see the first few on our Writing Spaces page in the gallery. We’d love to see more.

We also hope that you enjoyed the Thirty Days of Writing Prompts provided by Jeni over these lockdown days. If you have written anything in response that you would be happy to share in the Teacher Writes section of the website, let us know.